I'm trying achieve a dynamic formset without javascript support.
For this, I've added a button at the bottom of the form,
<input type="submit" name="add_item" value="+" id="submit-id-add_item">
Now, inside my CreateView, I have tried the following code.
def get_context_data(self, **kwargs):
context = super(AddInvoice, self).get_context_data(**kwargs)
ItemInlineFormSet = inlineformset_factory(Invoice, InvoiceItem, form=InvoiceItemForm, extra=1, can_delete=False, formset=InvoiceItemFormSet)
if self.request.method=='POST':
if 'add_item' in self.request.POST:
cp = self.request.POST.copy()
cp['item-TOTAL_FORMS'] = int(cp['item-TOTAL_FORMS'])+ 1
context['item_formset'] = ItemInlineFormSet(cp,prefix='item')
context['item_formset'] = ItemInlineFormSet(self.request.POST,prefix='item')
context['item_formset'] = ItemInlineFormSet (prefix='item')
return context
But, when I click on the add_item button, I get the following error
MultiValueDictKeyError at ... 'item-1-item'
(my form prefix
is item
and also have a field named item)
I suspect this is because django looks for the next set of form elements to match with TOTAL_FORMS but it can't find anywhere.
What I'm missing here?
I had initially tried something around extra
which didn't work - perhaps I overlooked something. Here's the working code.
ItemInlineFormSet = inlineformset_factory(Invoice, InvoiceItem,
extra=extra, can_delete=False,
if self.request.method=='POST':
if 'add_item' in self.request.POST:
extra= int(self.request.POST.get('item-TOTAL_FORMS'))+ 1
ItemInlineFormSet = inlineformset_factory(Invoice, InvoiceItem, form=InvoiceItemForm, extra=extra, can_delete=False,
context['item_formset'] = ItemInlineFormSet(prefix='item')
context['item_formset'] = ItemInlineFormSet(self.request.POST,prefix='item')
context['item_formset'] = ItemInlineFormSet (prefix='item')
return context