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Disable the loading of Stylesheets in UIWebView and/or WKWebView

I have absolutely tried everything with this one. I've read every apple article and no where can I find how to disable the loading of CSS (Styling) in the legacy UIWebView or the new WKWebView. I don't mind what web view I use just as long as it can accomplish this.

I've tried WKPreferences() and WKWebViewConfiguration and both have no member userStyleSheetEnabled.

I've referred myself to this apple article

Does anyone know the answer and how to achieve this on Swift 4?


  • The WebView class you referenced is very old and has been deprecated. If you need to add a webview to your app, use WKWebView instead. This answer works with iOS >= 11 and macOS >= 10.13.

    What you need is adding WKContentRuleList to your WKWebView's configuration. They are similar to Safari content blockers (i.e. ad-blockers) that you may already have installed on your phone:

    // This should ideally be in a file but we're using string for convenience
    let jsonRuleList = """
        "trigger": {
            "url-filter": ".*",
            "resource-type": ["style-sheet"]
        "action": {
            "type": "block"
    // Compile the content-blocking list
    WKContentRuleListStore.default().compileContentRuleList(forIdentifier: "blockStyleSheet", encodedContentRuleList: jsonRuleList) { list, error in
        guard error == nil else { print(error!.localizedDescription); return }
        guard let list = list else { return }
        // Add the stylesheet-blocker to your webview's configuration
        let configuration = WKWebViewConfiguration()
        // Adding the webview to the view. Nothing to see here
        self.webView = WKWebView(frame: self.view.bounds, configuration: configuration)
        // Let's try Apple's website without CSS
        let request = URLRequest(url: URL(string: "")!)


    Apple's website without stylesheet
