how in swift can I add to UITabBar
counts from array.count?
I have UserDefaults
array, and I want to display number of changeable array counts in Badge
, please help
This is the class of your view controller where you need to set badge value.
class YourViewController: UIViewController {
static weak var shared: YourViewController?
override function viewDidLoad() {
YourViewController.shared = self
public func updateBadgeValue() {
guard let array = UserDefaults.standard.value(forKey: "yourKeyOfStoredArray") as? [Any] else { //raplace yourKeyOfStoredArray to the key you use to store the array
print("Don't have a stored array for key yourKeyOfStoredArray")
guard let items = self.tabBarController?.tabBar.items else { // Only if you use tab bar controller, if no delete this scope and uncomment next
print("Don't have tab bar controller")
guard let items = self.tabBar.items else { // replace tabBar by reffence to your tab bar @IBOutlet
print("Don't have tab bar")
let index = 0 //<-The index of the tabbar item which you need to set badge value
if items.count > index {
items[index].badgeValue = String(array.count)
} else {
print("Don't have item at index \(index)")
This is the class of view controller where you need to tap a button to update badge value of YourViewController.
class AnotherViewController: UIViewController {
@IBAction func buttonPressed() {