R novice here. I'm having issues working with lmerTest
and stargazer
. I was following the tutorial here to get stargazer
to work with lme4
in R.
I ran this example with no issues.
summary(M1 <- lmer(angle ~ temp + (1 | replicate) + (1|recipe:replicate), cake, REML= FALSE))
summary(M2 <- lmer(angle ~ factor(temperature) + (1 | replicate) + (1|recipe:replicate), cake, REML= FALSE))
stargazer(M1, M2, style="ajps", title="An Illustrative Model Using Cake Data", dep.var.labels.include = FALSE,
covariate.labels=c( "Temperature (Continuous)", "Temperature (Factor $<$ 185)", "Temperature (Factor $<$ 195)", "Temperature (Factor $<$ 205)", "Temperature (Factor $<$ 215)", "Temperature (Factor $<$ 225)")
While that works, if I include the lmerTest
package, stargazer
no longer works.
summary(M1 <- lmer(angle ~ temp + (1 | replicate) + (1|recipe:replicate), cake, REML= FALSE))
summary(M2 <- lmer(angle ~ factor(temperature) + (1 | replicate) + (1|recipe:replicate), cake, REML= FALSE))
stargazer(M1, M2, style="ajps", title="An Illustrative Model Using Cake Data", dep.var.labels.include = FALSE,
covariate.labels=c( "Temperature (Continuous)", "Temperature (Factor $<$ 185)", "Temperature (Factor $<$ 195)", "Temperature (Factor $<$ 205)", "Temperature (Factor $<$ 215)", "Temperature (Factor $<$ 225)")
Error in objects[[i]]$zelig.call :
$ operator not defined for this S4 class
I really would like to use stargazer
but my experiments require the use of merModLmerTest
objects, which stargazer
doesn't support. Does someone know of a workaround? How difficult would it be to cast a merModLmerTest
object into a lmerMod
object that would be compatible?
This is an easy fix. Convert the output of the lmerTest
(which is in class merModLmerTest
) to the lmerMod
class. This will be compatible with stargazer.
class(model) <- "lmerMod"