I'm doing a lot of research right now on Semantic Web and complex data models that represent relationships between individuals and organizations. I knew a little semantic ontologies although I never understood what it was used if not make graphs.
I saw on university wiki that the language to question an ontology is the SPARQL (tell me if I'm wrong).
But recently I saw a company that had created a semantic ontology put it in the form of GraphQL that I did not know (https://diffuseur.datatourisme.gouv.fr/graphql/voyager/).
It seems to me that semantic ontologies are made to better find information, for example to make a chatbot (it's what I want to do), but here they transformed a semantic ontology into an API, is it right? To make a GraphQL, should I build first a semantic ontology?
Could you explain to me a little the difference between all this, honestly it's a little vague for me.
Datatourisme is a platform that allows to publish (via the Producteur component) and to consume (via the Diffuseur component) POI-related open data.
It seems you have linked to a particular application developed over Diffuseur with a help of GraphQL Voyager. The application illustrates capabilities of the GraphQL API exposed by Diffuseur.
The API documentation is available here (in French):
Partly due to some "schemaless", RDF is convenient in heterogeneous data integration tasks:
Tourism national ontology structuring in a common sharing format the whole tourism data extracted from different official French data bases: entertainment and events, natural and cultural sites, leisure and sports activities, touristic products, tours, accomodations, shops, restaurants.
RDF is semantic: in particular, RDF is self-describing.
SPARQL is W3C-standardized language for RDF querying. There were also proposed other RDF query languages.
BTW, it is possible to query non-RDF sources with SPARQL, e. g. defining R2RML mappings.
RDF self-descibeness and SPARQL standardness remove the need to create or to learn a new (shitty) API every day.
Similar to SPARQL, GraphQL allows to avoid multiple requests.
GraphQL allows to wrap different data sources of different kinds, but typically they are REST APIs.
As you can see, it is possible to wrap a SPARQL endpoint (there also exists HyperGraphQL).
Why GraphQL
Why Datatourisme have preferred GraphQL?
GraphQL is closer to developers and technologies they use en masse. In the past, JSON-LD had the same motivation (however, see my note about JSON-LD here).
As it seems, Diffuseur's GraphQL layer provides API keys support and prevents too complex SPARQL queries.
Are data still semantic
The answer depends on what you mean by semantic. There was an opinion that even relational model is quite semantical...
I'd answer affirmatively, if it's possible to extract e. g. the comment to the :rcs
property with GraphQL (and the answer seems to be negative).
Answering your direct question:
Answering your indirect question:
See also: How is the knowledge represented in Siri – is it an ontology or something else?
In addition to HyperGraphQL, there are other interesting convergence projects: