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How do you completely remove sqlite3?

I tried doing this

gem uninstall sqlite3-ruby
gem uninstall sqlite3

Then I performed find ~/ | grep mkmf.log

And it removed any sqlite3 directory I had on the system.

But it still is in my bin. Anyone know a more professional way of removing sqlite3?

I say this because I've been dealing with this error for five days now :

sqlite3-ruby only supports sqlite3 versions 3.6.16+, please upgrade!
*** extconf.rb failed ***

I have completely gutted my server three times now and reinstalled every single application and sqlite3 included on to it again and again. But it still thinks its an old header.



  • I recommend that you use rvm and bundler to manage your gems and gem dependencies. I never install any gems system-wide, specially on a Mac where it can get really messy dealing with system-wide gems.

    It's easy to get rvm + bundler up and started.

    First, install rvm (you must have git).

    bash < <( curl )
    # this will be installed on your $HOME/.rvm directory

    Setup rvm

    echo "source $HOME/.rvm/scripts/rvm" >> $HOME/.bash_profile
    source "$HOME/.rvm/scripts/rvm" 

    Then, install your ruby via rvm

    rvm install ree # Ruby Enterprise Edition or,
    # rvm install 1.9.2
    # rvm install 1.8.7

    Switch to your ruby compiler

    rvm use ree

    Create your gemset to easily switch to different gem versions.

    rvm gemset create rails3 # where rails3 is the gemset name

    Use your gemset

    rvm use ree@rails3

    Install bundler

    gem install bundler # without sudo

    Create a Gemfile and install your gems.

    mkdir myproject
    cd myproject
    bundle init # this will create a Gemfile
    echo "gem 'rails'" >> Gemfile
    echo "gem 'sqlite3-ruby', :require => 'sqlite3'" >> Gemfile
    bundle install

    About your original post, if it's a system install, you can check it by running which sqlite3_ruby and if it returns /usr/bin/sqlite3_ruby then you should prepend sudo to gem uninstall command.