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Upgrade from Spring to Spring Boot broke JAX-WS client configuration

I am working on a project, and we are currently upgrading from Spring to Spring Boot. We had a JAX-WS client bean that was being autowired in a Controller, but now it says it cannot find a bean of that type. Below you can see the code snippets, I had to redact information so sorry if some naming link got broken.

We had a JAX-WS client configuration in the xml described as:

<jaxws:client id="applyClient"
              address="jaxAddress" >

        <bean class="">
                    <entry key="action" value="Signature Timestamp"/>
                    <entry key="signatureKeyIdentifier" value="DirectReference"/>
                    <entry key="passwordType" value="PasswordText" />
                    <entry key="signaturePropFile" value=""/>
                    <entry key="user" value="userVal" />
                    <entry key="passwordCallbackRef">
                        <ref bean="passwordCallback"/>

    ${openComment} <bean class="org.apache.cxf.interceptor.LoggingOutInterceptor" /> ${closeComment}
        ${openComment}<bean class="org.apache.cxf.interceptor.LoggingInInterceptor" /> ${closeComment}

This service class is such:

@WebService(targetNamespace = "Folder", name = "TestName")
@XmlSeeAlso({Folder.ObjectFactory.class, otherFolder.ObjectFactory.class})

public interface JaxClass {

public java.lang.String updateGBFoaInformation(
    Folder.FoaInformation foaInformation
) throws ExchangeRequestValidationException, ExchangeInternalErrorException;

public method2 setGBUserSession(
    Folder.GBUserSessionRequest gbUserSessionRequest
) throws ExchangeRequestValidationException, 


And then in the Controller class, we had it autowired as such:

public class TestController{

JaxClass applyClient;


This setup was working until we started upgrading. Now we get the error:



Field applyClient in TestController required a bean of type 'JaxClass' that could not be found.


Consider defining a bean of type 'JaxClass' in your configuration.

Just been a bit confused, as I have spent the past week or so trying to resolve this issue. Any help or suggestions is appreciated.


  • Found the problem, while technically the xml file was in the classpath, being folder location, the application did not know to include it, so added an @ImportResource annotation and it fixed my problem.