I was trying to use AWS secrets manager service for storing secret keys. I could store the key in the secrets manager, but while retrieving the key using the code they provide I'm getting this error.
UnknownServiceError: Unknown service: 'secretsmanager'. Valid service names are: acm, alexaforbusiness,...
I tried a search on the AWS CLI and the service is not on the list also.
aws: error: argument command: Invalid choice, valid choices are:
acm | alexaforbusiness
apigateway | application-autoscaling
appstream | appsync
Do I need some kind of aws cli update? May be because of the CLI version that I'm using. Then, how can I update that. I tried
sudo apt-get install -y awscli
an it says
awscli is already the newest version (1.11.13-1ubuntu1~16.04.0).
secretsmanager is only available from aws cli version 1.15.8 and upwards
aws --version
aws-cli/1.15.10 Python/2.7.10 Darwin/17.5.0 botocore/1.10.10
You may need to manually install/update aws cli