In OpenCV we have access to the CV_XX types which allow you to create a matrix with, for example, CV_32SC1. How do I do this in EmguCV?
The reason for asking is:
I am currently using EmguCV and getting an error where I need to create a specific type of Image and am unable to find those values.
Here is my code:
Emgu::CV::Image<Emgu::CV::Structure::Gray, byte>^ mask = gcnew Emgu::CV::Image<Emgu::CV::Structure::Gray, byte>(gray->Size);
try { CvInvoke::cvDistTransform(255-gray, tmp, CvEnum::DIST_TYPE::CV_DIST_L1, 3, nullptr, mask); }
Which gives the error:
OpenCV: the output array of labels must be 32sC1
So I believe I need to change the byte type to 32sC1, how do I do this?
I am using EmguCV 2.0
From the Working with images page, specifically the section on EmguCV 2.0, it provides the following clarification on image depth:
Image Depth Image Depth is specified using the second generic parameter Depth. The types of depth supported in Emgu CV include
- Byte
- SByte
- Single (float)
- Double
- UInt16
- Int16
- Int32 (int)
I believe this means it does not use the CV_XXX types at all and only the above.
For my issue i set the type to Int32 and it seemed to stop erroring.