I'm trying to make 3 iframes using facnybox3, but I don't know how make to 3 iframes with their own defined size. Any idea?
My code: http://fancyapps.com/fancybox/3/docs/#iframe
<a data-fancybox data-type="iframe" data-src="http://codepen.io/fancyapps/full/jyEGGG/" href="javascript:;">
.fancybox-slide--iframe .fancybox-content {
width : 800px;
height : 600px;
max-width : 80%;
max-height : 80%;
margin: 0;
You can use data-options
attribute to set custom options, see 2nd example here - https://codepen.io/fancyapps/pen/qoKGRW?editors=1000
<a href="https://blog.codepen.io/" data-fancybox data-options='{ "type" : "iframe", "iframe" : { "preload" : false, "css" : { "width" : "600px" } } }'>
Custom options