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Polymer component template minification

I'm looking for a way to minify the white space in template literals. Since regular js minification wouldn't remove white space on a template literal I was expecting that maybe polymer-cli had a way to minify those.

An example of the result of minification:

import{PolymerElement,html}from'../node_modules/@polymer/polymer/polymer-element.js';export default class MyApp extends PolymerElement{static get is(){return'my-app'}static get template(){return html`
        :host {
          display: block;
          height: 100vh;

        .app {
          height: 100vh;
      <div class="app">
        My App


  • polymer-cli currently doesn't support minification of tagged template strings. Internally, it uses Babel plugins to minify JavaScript, so ideally we'd be able to insert the babel-plugin-minify-template-strings plugin into the pipeline when minification is enabled.

    For now, we could use babel-cli along with that plugin to process the build output of polymer-cli:

    1. Start with a Polymer 3 template project, e.g., PolymerLabs/start-polymer3.

      git clone
      cd start-polymer3
    2. Install babel-cli and the babel-plugin-minify-template-strings plugin. Your project may need other Babel plugins. In this case, this template project needs babel-plugin-syntax-dynamic-import for Babel to handle the dynamic imports in the code.

      yarn add -D babel-cli \
                  babel-plugin-minify-template-strings \
    3. Add a .babelrc config file with the following file contents:

        "compact": true,
        "ignore": [
        "plugins": [
    4. Add a build NPM script to package.json to run babel-cli (with .babelrc above) on the JavaScript output of polymer build:

      "scripts": {
        "build": "polymer build && $(npm bin)/babel -d . build/**/src/**/*.js"
    5. Run npm run build (or yarn build). The command output (running with polymer-cli (1.7.0-pre.13), zsh, macOS High Sierra) should look similar to this:

      ➜  start-polymer3 git:(master) ✗ yarn build
      yarn run v1.3.2
      $ polymer build && $(npm bin)/babel -d . build/**/src/**/*.js
      info: []    Clearing build/ directory...
      info: []    (es6-unbundled) Building...
      info: []    (es6-unbundled) Build complete!
      build/es6-unbundled/src/lazy-element.js -> build/es6-unbundled/src/lazy-element.js
      build/es6-unbundled/src/start-polymer3.js -> build/es6-unbundled/src/start-polymer3.js
      ✨  Done in 8.66s.
      ➜  start-polymer3 git:(master) ✗

    See GitHub repo with the above changes, and its sample output