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MYSQL - Finding row delta using date rows that include holidays

I have a table that includes a field with dates (call it date) and a field with a cumulative running total (call it X) | call it table SAMPLE.

***My data in field DATE does not include weekends and holidays.

I can find the delta in the numbers from day to day by simply subtracting any chosen value in "X" and subtracting that from the row above.

Here's my current query:

a.X - b.X as 'Daily Total'

from SAMPLE as a 
left join SAMPLE as b
on = if(weekday( = 0 , - interval 3 day, interval 1 day);

The problem is that the above values work until I hit dates with holidays. If Monday is a holiday, then the values return null because - interval 1 day will not exist. What's the best way to go about solving the holidays issue?

the below are the current results:

| date       | X             |
| 2018-03-26 |     -40105.00 |
| 2018-03-27 |      28470.00 |
| 2018-03-28 |       5265.00 |
| 2018-03-29 |     -23010.00 |
| 2018-04-02 |          NULL |
| 2018-04-03 |     -24830.00 |
| 2018-04-04 |     -21970.00 |
| 2018-04-05 |      -9620.00 |
| 2018-04-06 |      36465.00 |

Thanks in advance!!


  • I will sort the table by date then assign a sequence or series of numbers from 1 to n. I will then subtract the value of current row from the previous row except the first row. For first row, i will copy the value X.

    select rnk2.`date`, 
    case when rnk1.r1=1 and rnk2.r2=1 then rnk1.X else rnk2.X-rnk1.X end as 'Daily Total'
    from (
      select `date`,X,@r1:=@r1+1 as r1
      from  samples, (select @r1:=0) a 
      order by `date` ) rnk1
    inner join 
      (select `date`,X,@r2:=@r2+1 as r2
       from  samples, (select @r2:=0) b
       order by `date`) rnk2
    on (rnk1.r1=1 and rnk2.r2=1) or (rnk1.r1+1=rnk2.r2) 
    order by rnk2.`date`