i'm new to using IDA i'm trying to check game code but it's not showing me the right address which i find with memory search while the game is running and it does not show me the code as OllyDBG anything i'm missing?
Do not forget that IDA is a static disassembler (albeit very smart one), while OllyDBG is a dynamic debugger.
A debugger sees a program that is loaded into memory and is about to be run or is paused in the middle of its execution. A disassembler does not run a program, but tries to decode its code and data as they are represented in a disk file image. What is stored on a disk may be different from what gets found in RAM, especially if there are dynamic modules loaded eagerly at start or lazily later, or if there are decoding/decryption stages in program's operation.
Not to mention that IDA is a powerful tool that has some learning curve.
P.S. a great book about using "The IDA Pro Book, 2nd Edition": https://nostarch.com/idapro2.htm