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How to pass data through route and assign to text box in laravel?

I want to pass data through route then assign to the text box for edit in modal popup.

My controller code is:

public function edit($id) {
    $abc = property_type::find($id);
    return redirect('/admin/property-type')->with('popup','open');

Popup is to open modal popup. $abc has three values: ID, name and description. I want to assign description and name with two different text box:

<input type="text" class="form-control" value="{{Session::get('abc')}}" name="update_prop_name" >
<input type="text" class="form-control" value="{{Session::get('abc')}}" name="update_prop_desc" >


  • I don't see anywhere where you're setting abc into session, so value="{{ Session::get("abc") }} will be null.

    Add this to your edit function:

    public function edit($id){
      $abc = property_type::find($id);
      session()->put("abc", $abc);
      return redirect("/admin/property-type")->with(["popup" => "popup"]);

    Also, using session()->get("abc") will return the whole object, and not a specific property. Might want to adjust to:

    <input type="text" class="form-control" value="{{ session::get("abc") ? session()->get("abc")->name : "" }}" name="update_prop_name" />
    <input type="text" class="form-control" value="{{ session::get("abc") ? session()->get("abc")->description : "" }}" name="update_prop_desc" />

    Note: the ternary ? operator will also handle session()->get("abc") returning null