I've been dealing with this a while and even had help but i can't work it out.
The following macro renames PartName
or InstanceName
depending on user and CADSelection.
Problem is it's not working in PartName
Can someone help me complete this macro? and ideally explain what i did incorrectly?
Sub CATMain()
If CATIA.Documents.Count = 0 Then
MsgBox "There are no CATIA documents open. Please open a CATIA document and try again.", ,msgboxtext
Exit Sub
End If
If InStr(CATIA.ActiveDocument.Name, ".CATProduct") < 1 Then
MsgBox "The active document is not a Product. Please open a CATIA Product and try again.", ,msgboxtext
Exit Sub
End If
Dim oSelection As Selection
Set oSelection = CATIA.ActiveDocument.Selection
If oSelection.Count < 1 then
MsgBox "Pick some components using cad selection."
'****** Alter Instance Name *****'
Dim msg
msg = MsgBox ("Click ""Yes"" to change Instance Name, ""No"" to change Part Name or ""Cancel"" to exit", _
vbYesNoCancel, "Renaming Tool")
if vbYes = msg then
'****** Inputbox for Instance name alteration *****
Dim NewIName As String
NewIName = InputBox("Please input the desired Instance Name. Example: E","Instance name alteration","E")
'****** Inputbox for Instance number alteration *****
Dim NewINumber As Integer
NewINumber = InputBox("Please input the initial number for the 1st component. Example: 1","Instance numbering alteration","1")
Dim oIBody
Dim InstName As Body
For oIBody = 1 to oSelection.Count
Set InstName = oSelection.Item(oIBody).Value
'****** Instance name alteration *****
InstName.Parent.Parent.ReferenceProduct.Products.Item( _
InstName.Name).Name= NewIName + CStr(NewINumber)
elseif vbNo = msg then
'****** Inputbox for Part name alteration *****
Dim NewPName As String
NewPName = InputBox("Please input the desired Part Name. Example: E","Part Name alteration","E")
'****** Inputbox for Part number alteration *****
Dim NewPNumber As Integer
NewPNumber = InputBox("Please input the initial number for the 1st Component. Example: 1","Part numbering alteration","1")
Dim oPBody
Dim PartName As Body
For oPBody = 1 to oSelection.Count
Set PartName = oSelection.Item(oPBody).Value
'****** Part name alteration *****
PartName.ReferenceProduct.Name= NewPName + CStr(NewPNumber)
End If
End If
End Sub
The part "name" is really the Part Number and is changed using the "PartNumber" property.
So try changing
PartName.ReferenceProduct.Name= NewPName + CStr(NewPNumber)
PartName.ReferenceProduct.PartNumber= NewPName + CStr(NewPNumber)
This doesn't influence the document name unless you have not saved your part already.
What else :
1) Your variable naming is confusing. You call the Product "InstName" in one place and "PartName" in another. At first glance I thought those were strings. Using oProduct would be less confusing.
2) You seem real confident that the user has pre-selected the correct types. Since you are selecting in an assembly, instead of using Selection.Item(i).Value, you can use Selection.item(i).LeafProduct which will always be the instance product of whatever object is selected. Even if the user picks a surface, it will return the instance product which contains the selected surface.