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Python recursion memoization

I've had the following assignment: Given a list of n integers, each integer in the list is unique and larger than 0. I am also given a number K - which is an integer larger than 0. List slicing of any kind is not allowed

I need to check whether there is a subset that sums up to K. e.g: for the list [1,4,8], and k=5, I return True, because we have the subset {1,4}.

Now I need to implement this using a recursion: So I did, however I needed to implement memoization:

And I wonder what is the difference between those functions' code: I mean, both seem to implement memoization, however the second should work better but it doesn't. I'd really appreciate some help :)

def subsetsum_mem(L, k):
    fill-in your code below here according to the instructions
    return s_rec_mem(L,0,k,sum_dict)

def s_rec_mem(L, i, k, d):
    fill-in your code below here according to the instructions
        return True
    elif(k<0 or i==len(L)):
        return False
        if k not in d:
            res_k=s_rec_mem(L,i+1,k-L[i],d) or s_rec_mem(L,i+1,k,d)
            return res_k

def subsetsum_mem2(L, k):
    fill-in your code below here according to the instructions
    return s_rec_mem2(L,0,k,sum_dict)

def s_rec_mem2(L, i, k, d):
    fill-in your code below here according to the instructions
        return True
    elif(k<0 or i==len(L)):
        return False
        if k not in d:
            res_k=s_rec_mem2(L,i+1,k-L[i],d) or s_rec_mem2(L,i+1,k,d)
            return res_k
            return d[k]


  • You have two problems with your memoization.

    First, you're using just k as the cache key. But the function does different things for different values of i, and you're ignoring i in the cache, so you're going to end up returning the value from L, 9, 1, d for L, 1, 1, d.

    Second, only in s_rec_mem, you never return d[k]; if it's present, you just fall off the end and return None (which is falsey).

    So, the second one does come closer to working—but it still doesn't actually work.

    You could fix it like this:

    def s_rec_mem2(L, i, k, d):
        fill-in your code below here according to the instructions
            return True
        elif(k<0 or i==len(L)):
            return False
            if (i, k) not in d:
                res_k=s_rec_mem2(L,i+1,k-L[i],d) or s_rec_mem2(L,i+1,k,d)
                d[i, k]=res_k
                return res_k
                return d[i, k]

    … or by just using lru_cache, either by passing down tuple(L) instead of L (because tuples, unlike lists, can be hashed as keys, and your recursive function doesn't care what kind of sequence it gets), or by making it a local function that sees L via closure instead of getting passed it as a parameter.

    Finally, from a quick glance at your code:

    • It looks like you're only ever going to evaluate s_rec_mem at most twice on each set of arguments (assuming you correctly cache on i, k rather than just k), which means memoization can only provide a 2x constant speedup at best. To get any more than that, you need to rethink your caching or your algorithm.
    • You're only memoizing within each separate top-level run, but switching to lru_cache on tuple(L), i, k means you're memoizing across all runs until you restart the program (or REPL session)—so the first test may take a long time, but subsequent runs on the same L (even with a different k) could benefit from previous caching.
    • You seem to be trying to solve a minor variation of the subset sum problem. That problem in the general case is provably NP-complete, which means it's guaranteed to take exponential time. And your variation seems to be if anything harder than the standard problem, not easier. If so, not only is your constant-factor speedup not going to have much benefit, there's really nothing you can do that will do better. In real life, people who solve equivalent problems usually use either optimization (e.g., via dynamic programming) or approximation to within an arbitrary specified limit, both of which allow for polynomial (or at least pseudo-polynomial) solutions in most cases, but can't solve all cases. Or, alternatively, there are subclasses of inputs for which you can solve the problem in polynomial time, and if you're lucky, you can prove your inputs fall within one of those subclasses. If I've guessed right on what you're doing, and you want to pursue any of those three options, you'll need to do a bit of research. (Maybe Wikipedia is good enough, or maybe there are good answers here or on the compsci or math SE sites to get you started.)