So, I'm having trouble making a Twitter Sign-In method for my angular app. The problem is I can't even get the first step done. I need to make a post request to the request_token API (I'm following this steps and I'm still getting the 'Bad Authentication Data' error (Just for you to know: I've been messing around with my code to make this work and the best I've gotten is the 'Could not authenticate you' error).
So before I show my code, let me make sure I'm understanding this correctly. Since I am requesting a token, I'm not passing any access_token in my code. I'm not using the token anywhere when I create my signature and I'm passing the oauth_callback string in the Authorization request.
So, This is my code to make the POST to request_token.
callTwLogin(): void{
const url = '';
const callback = encodeURIComponent('');
this.Oauth_timestamp = this.createTimestamp(); // We create a timestamp in seconds.
this.Oauth_nonce = this.randomString(32); // We create a 32-long random string., {headers: new HttpHeaders().set('Content-Type','application/x-www-form-urlencoded')
.set('Authorization','OAuth oauth_consumer_key="'+this.Oauth_consumerkey+'", oauth_nonce="'+this.Oauth_nonce+'"oauth_signature="'+encodeURIComponent(this.createSignature())+'", oauth_signature_method="HMAC-SHA1", oauth_timestamp="'
+this.Oauth_timestamp+'", oauth_version="1.0"')
.subscribe(rsp => console.log("Twitter: " +rsp)); // Should it have Access Token if it is a request token?
The createTimestamp() and randomString() functions are quite straightforward so I won't show them. However, the createSignature() function is really crucial so here it is:
let rawURL: string = "POST&" + encodeURIComponent("") + "&";
let parameterString: string = "include_entities=true" +
"&oauth_consumer_key=" + this.Oauth_consumerkey +
"&oauth_nonce=" + this.Oauth_nonce +
"&oauth_timestamp=" + this.Oauth_timestamp +
let signingString = rawURL + encodeURIComponent(parameterString);
let signingKey = encodeURIComponent(this.ConsumerSecret) + "&"; // No TokenSecret because its Request_Token.
let signatur: string = this.CryptoJS.HmacSHA1(signingString, signingKey).toString(this.CryptoJS.enc.Base64);
console.log("Signatur: " + signatur);
return signatur;
As you can see, I've deleted the token in both the signature base string and in the signinkey. What am I doing wrong? I've struggled with this for weeks and I can't get it done.
Please help me. Thank you!
===================================UPDATE 1 ==============================
So I did what I Jon Susiak asked me to do. I added the comma I forgot to add before, I add oauth_callback to my parameterString and my Authorization Request and I removed the include_entities.
This is my new createSignature Method:
let callback = ""
let rawURL: string = "POST&" + encodeURIComponent("") + "&";
let parameterString: string = "oauth_callback=" +callback+
"&oauth_consumer_key=" + this.Oauth_consumerkey +
"&oauth_nonce=" + this.Oauth_nonce +
"&oauth_timestamp=" + this.Oauth_timestamp +
let signingString = rawURL + encodeURIComponent(parameterString);
let signingKey = encodeURIComponent(this.ConsumerSecret) + "&"; // No TokenSecret because its Request_Token.
let signatur: string = this.CryptoJS.HmacSHA1(signingString, signingKey).toString(this.CryptoJS.enc.Base64);
console.log("Signatur: " + signatur);
return signatur;
And my new POST Code
const url = '';
const callback = encodeURIComponent('');
const body = {
oauth_callback: callback
this.Oauth_timestamp = this.createTimestamp(); // We create a timestamp in seconds.
this.Oauth_nonce = this.randomString(32); // We create a 32-long random string., {headers: new HttpHeaders()
.set('Authorization','OAuth oauth_callback="' + callback
+ '", oauth_consumer_key="' + this.Oauth_consumerkey
+ '", oauth_nonce="' + this.Oauth_nonce
+ '", oauth_signature="' + encodeURIComponent(this.createSignature())
+ '", oauth_signature_method="HMAC-SHA1", oauth_timestamp="' + this.Oauth_timestamp
+ '", oauth_version="1.0"')
.subscribe(rsp => console.log("Twitter: " +rsp));
It still doesn't work, if I don't send my callback as a POST parameter, it throws 'Bad Authentication Data (Error 400)'. If i do send it as a parameter, it throws 'Could not authenticate you (Error 401)'
Please help!
you never use body
. it's the second parameter, the eventual options are the third.