Search code examples

Create custom analyzer filter for a index in py-elasticsearch-dsl

i'm working with py-elasticsearch-dsl for my master, i'm creating a index of title documents in a corpus of turkish titles, and i need implements a custom lowercase analyzer for turkish language:

I'm trying do it with this:

turkish = analysis.token_filter('turkish_lowercase', type="lowercase", language="turkish")

turkish_lowercase = analyzer('turkish_lowercase',
    type = "custom",

class Document(DocType):
    # title = Text()
    query = Percolator(
    )    # query is a percolator

    class Meta:
        index = 'titles' # index name
        doc_type = '_doc'

    def save(self, **kwargs):
        return super(Document, self).save(**kwargs)

But i'm getting this error:

python                                        1 ↵  1736  17:37:54 
PUT http://localhost:9200/title-index [status:400 request:0.004s]
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "", line 55, in <module>
  File "/home/salahaddin/Proyectos/Works/seminer/lib/python3.6/site-packages/elasticsearch_dsl/", line 161, in init
    cls._doc_type.init(index, using)
  File "/home/salahaddin/Proyectos/Works/seminer/lib/python3.6/site-packages/elasticsearch_dsl/", line 85, in init or self.index, using=using or self.using)
  File "/home/salahaddin/Proyectos/Works/seminer/lib/python3.6/site-packages/elasticsearch_dsl/", line 116, in save
  File "/home/salahaddin/Proyectos/Works/seminer/lib/python3.6/site-packages/elasticsearch_dsl/", line 219, in save
    return self.create()
  File "/home/salahaddin/Proyectos/Works/seminer/lib/python3.6/site-packages/elasticsearch_dsl/", line 203, in create
    self.connection.indices.create(index=self._name, body=self.to_dict(), **kwargs)
  File "/home/salahaddin/Proyectos/Works/seminer/lib/python3.6/site-packages/elasticsearch/client/", line 76, in _wrapped
    return func(*args, params=params, **kwargs)
  File "/home/salahaddin/Proyectos/Works/seminer/lib/python3.6/site-packages/elasticsearch/client/", line 91, in create
    params=params, body=body)
  File "/home/salahaddin/Proyectos/Works/seminer/lib/python3.6/site-packages/elasticsearch/", line 314, in perform_request
    status, headers_response, data = connection.perform_request(method, url, params, body, headers=headers, ignore=ignore, timeout=timeout)
  File "/home/salahaddin/Proyectos/Works/seminer/lib/python3.6/site-packages/elasticsearch/connection/", line 163, in perform_request
    self._raise_error(response.status, raw_data)
  File "/home/salahaddin/Proyectos/Works/seminer/lib/python3.6/site-packages/elasticsearch/connection/", line 125, in _raise_error
    raise HTTP_EXCEPTIONS.get(status_code, TransportError)(status_code, error_message, additional_info)
elasticsearch.exceptions.RequestError: TransportError(400, 'illegal_argument_exception', 'Custom Analyzer [turkish_lowercase] failed to find filter under name [turkish_lowercase]')

So, what is the correct way to do this?

Thank you


  • For create a custom filter we can use token_filter:

    turkish = analysis.token_filter('turkish_lowercase', type="lowercase", language="turkish")

    We are creating a new lower_case filter for turkish language. Now, we need to create the analyzer:

    turkish_lowercase = analyzer('turkish_lowercase',
        type = "custom",

    We put turkish filter directly in the filter parameter, nothing more; we can review the result dictionary with the get_definition function either filter as analyzer.

    Finally we apply that analyzer in our Document:

    class Document(DocType):
        title = Text(
            # filter=turkish
        query = Percolator(
        )    # query is a percolator
        class Meta:
            index = 'titles' # index name
            doc_type = '_doc'
        def save(self, **kwargs):
            return super(Document, self).save(**kwargs)

    We will get the next result:
