Currently i'm working on speech to text for iOS 10 feature app. Here blow the code successfully return speech to text on my app. I need to implement this on several time (several viewController) My Question is Can someone explain how to do this as reusable for my every viewControllers. is there any design pattern possible to do. Thanks in advance.
import UIKit
import Speech
class ViewController: UIViewController, SFSpeechRecognizerDelegate {
@IBOutlet weak var textView: UITextView!
@IBOutlet weak var microphoneButton: UIButton!
private let speechRecognizer = SFSpeechRecognizer(locale: Locale.init(identifier: "en-US"))!
private var recognitionRequest: SFSpeechAudioBufferRecognitionRequest?
private var recognitionTask: SFSpeechRecognitionTask?
private let audioEngine = AVAudioEngine()
override func viewDidLoad() {
microphoneButton.isEnabled = false
speechRecognizer.delegate = self
SFSpeechRecognizer.requestAuthorization { (authStatus) in
var isButtonEnabled = false
switch authStatus {
case .authorized:
isButtonEnabled = true
case .denied:
isButtonEnabled = false
print("User denied access to speech recognition")
case .restricted:
isButtonEnabled = false
print("Speech recognition restricted on this device")
case .notDetermined:
isButtonEnabled = false
print("Speech recognition not yet authorized")
OperationQueue.main.addOperation() {
self.microphoneButton.isEnabled = isButtonEnabled
@IBAction func microphoneTapped(_ sender: AnyObject) {
if audioEngine.isRunning {
microphoneButton.isEnabled = false
microphoneButton.setTitle("Start Recording", for: .normal)
} else {
microphoneButton.setTitle("Stop Recording", for: .normal)
func startRecording() {
if recognitionTask != nil { //1
recognitionTask = nil
let audioSession = AVAudioSession.sharedInstance() //2
do {
try audioSession.setCategory(AVAudioSessionCategoryRecord)
try audioSession.setMode(AVAudioSessionModeMeasurement)
try audioSession.setActive(true, with: .notifyOthersOnDeactivation)
} catch {
print("audioSession properties weren't set because of an error.")
recognitionRequest = SFSpeechAudioBufferRecognitionRequest() //3
guard let inputNode = audioEngine.inputNode else {
fatalError("Audio engine has no input node")
} //4
guard let recognitionRequest = recognitionRequest else {
fatalError("Unable to create an SFSpeechAudioBufferRecognitionRequest object")
} //5
recognitionRequest.shouldReportPartialResults = true //6
recognitionTask = speechRecognizer.recognitionTask(with: recognitionRequest, resultHandler: { (result, error) in //7
var isFinal = false //8
if result != nil {
self.textView.text = result?.bestTranscription.formattedString //9
isFinal = (result?.isFinal)!
if error != nil || isFinal { //10
inputNode.removeTap(onBus: 0)
self.recognitionRequest = nil
self.recognitionTask = nil
self.microphoneButton.isEnabled = true
let recordingFormat = inputNode.outputFormat(forBus: 0) //11
inputNode.installTap(onBus: 0, bufferSize: 1024, format: recordingFormat) { (buffer, when) in
audioEngine.prepare() //12
do {
try audioEngine.start()
} catch {
print("audioEngine couldn't start because of an error.")
textView.text = "Say something, I'm listening!"
func speechRecognizer(_ speechRecognizer: SFSpeechRecognizer, availabilityDidChange available: Bool) {
if available {
microphoneButton.isEnabled = true
} else {
microphoneButton.isEnabled = false
Arguably, that kind of code doesn't really belong in a view controller.
However, to directly answer the question, it seems to me that there are three basic options, roughly in order of preference:
. This would make your new methods available to all view controllers. You wouldn't be able to edit viewDidLoad
and you'd need a setup
method (or similar).UIViewController
with your methods and have all your other view controllers inherit from that. However, this would mean you couldn't use other Apple classes like UITableViewController
4. Edit
with swizzling. (Terrible idea. Don't do this.)