I'm new to Swift.. (And its my first post here!)
I'm using Swift 4 with Xcode 9 and I'm actually trying to save a variable that contains structure to a file, and then reload it again into that variable.
Here is the data I want to save:
var MyVar = [
structure(data1: "48.1", data2: "-10.1", Name: "aaa", Date: "2013-12-01 03:22:32", Age: 20),
structure(data1: "47.7", data2: "-79.2", Name: "bbb", Date: "2011-10-15 12:58:45", Age: 21),
structure(data1: "50.5", data2: "75.8", Name: "ccc", Date: "2014-05-24 02:42:25", Age: 35),
structure(data1: "48.7", data2: "78.5", Name: "ddd", Date: "2017-10-10 15:56:13", Age: 5)]
could you please tell me the easiest way to save and reload this variable?