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Loopback custom role based ACL not working

I am using Loopback 3 and my datasource is MySQl. I have created a user with SUPER_ADMIN role. The entries in the table look like below:

The user table looks like below:

1   admin   password

The Role table looks like below:

3   ADMIN   super admin 4/24/18 11:42 AM    4/24/18 11:42 AM

The Rolemapping table

4   ADMIN   1   3

But when I try use this role in the ACL, it does not work:

  "accessType": "*",
  "principalType": "ROLE",
  "principalId": "ADMIN",
  "permission": "ALLOW",
  "property": "greet"

The above always throws 401, Authorization Required error.

Could anyone let me know, if I am missing anything here.



  • principalType value is wrong in the RoleMapping entry, ADMIN should be replaced with USER, which is a constant here: app.models.RoleMapping.USER