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Is there any way to display the WooCommerce mini-cart on my WordPress site?

I'm developing a website whereby I would like customers to be able to constantly view the contents of their cart so they can add/remove items on the fly (using WooCommerce).

The theme I'm currently using is Flatsome (with the UXBuilder)

I've noticed there is a template for the WooCommerce mini-cart in woocommerce/templates/mini-cart.php. This looks like what I want to be displayed on my page

I have a plugin called WooCommerce Product Tables that (I believe) displays this mini-cart like this

I was wondering if there is any way for me to display this as a fixed element (within a div perhaps) on my page?

I'm quite inexperienced, so any help is appreciated :)


    1. Create the shortcode in functions.php
    // Add Shortcode
    function custom_mini_cart() { 
        echo '<a href="#" class="dropdown-back" data-toggle="dropdown"> ';
            echo '<i class="fa fa-shopping-cart" aria-hidden="true"></i>';
            echo '<div class="basket-item-count" style="display: inline;">';
                echo '<span class="cart-items-count count">';
                    echo WC()->cart->get_cart_contents_count();
                echo '</span>';
            echo '</div>';
        echo '</a>';
        echo '<ul class="dropdown-menu dropdown-menu-mini-cart">';
            echo '<li>';
                echo '<div class="widget_shopping_cart_content">';
                echo '</div>';
            echo '</li>';
        echo '</ul>';
    add_shortcode( 'custom_techno_mini_cart', 'custom_mini_cart' );
    1. Then add this [custom_techno_mini_cart] shortcode anywhere on page.
    2. Now add this inside your template:
    <?php echo do_shortcode('[custom_techno_mini_cart]'); ?>
    1. Make your layout according to your requirement in first point.
    2. Add like this also using this