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exit shell script from subshell if files are not present on remote server or disk is full?

I am using below script to copy files in parallel from remote server:



do_copy() {
  (scp -C -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no \
   goldy@"$remote":"$pod1"/abc_187_"$el" "$primsec"/. > /dev/null 2>&1)\
  || \
  (scp -C -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no \
   goldy@"$remote":"$pod2"/abc_187_"$el" "$primsec"/. > /dev/null 2>&1)\
  || \
  (scp -C -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no \
   goldy@"$remote":"$pod3"/abc_187_"$el" "$primsec"/. > /dev/null 2>&1)\
  || \
  (scp -C -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no \
   goldy@"$remote":"$pod4"/abc_187_"$el" "$primsec"/. > /dev/null 2>&1)
export -f do_copy

parallel -j "$5" do_copy {} $primary ::: ${pri[@]} &
parallel -j "$5" do_copy {} $secondary ::: ${snd[@]} &
echo "all files copied"

On the remote server I have four folders represented by $pod1, $pod2, $pod3, $pod4. If files are not there in $pod1, then it should be there in $pod2, or it will be there in $pod3 or it will be there in $pod4 folder.

Now what I want to do is:

  • If files are not there in any of those four folders then I want to exit from shell script with nonzero status code immediately.
  • If for whatever reason let's say disk is full and file were not copied fully then I want to exit as well with nonzero status code. Each file size is around 15GB and sometimes because of disk full, I see only 3GB copied out of 15GB and my shell script don't report any issues and passes successfully.

I tried adding exit command next to last scp command but it just exits from the subshell not from whole script. Is there any way to do these things?


  • I will assume that the file exists on only one pod, so trying all pods is not a problem.

    # Activate parset and env_parallel if not already done
    . `which env_parallel.bash`
    # Make array with $primary as many times as elements in $pri
    parset prim -N0 echo $primary ::: ${pri[@]} 
    # Make array with $secondary as many times as elements in $pri
    parset seco -N0 echo $secondary ::: ${sec[@]}
    export remote
    do_copy() {
      scp -C -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no \
       goldy@"$remote":"$pod"/abc_187_"$el" "$primsec"/
    export -f do_copy
    copy_one_file() {
      parallel do_copy $1 $2 ::: pod{1..4}
      if [ $? == 4 ] ; then
        return 1
        return 0
    export -f copy_one_file
    parallel --halt now,fail=1 copy_one_file :::  ${pri[@]} ${sec[@]} :::+ ${prim[@]} ${seco[@]}

    parset makes an array with $primary as long as $pri.

    :::+ links the elements from $pri to the elements in $prim.

    You will need parallel version > 20170422 for parset.