I can print the correct value in setter function but when I try to return the same variable using getter there is no output. Here is my code. Anyone has idea on how I correct my code?
class Student {
char age;
double height;
double gpa;
int getAge();
void setAge(int *);
const char * name;
class Male :Student {
void setName(const char * s);
const char * getName();
void Male::setName(const char * s){
const char* name = s;
std::cout << name << std::endl;
const char* Male::getName() {
return name; //I can't return the value of variable name.
std::cout << name << std::endl;
void Student::setAge(int* c) {
age = *c;
int Student::getAge() {
return age;
int main() {
Student jason;
Male myName;
int edad = 30;
jason.height = 162;
jason.gpa = 1.5;
std::cout << jason.height << "\n" << jason.getAge() << "\n" << jason.gpa << "\n" << std::endl;
return 0;
I don't know why I can't return the const char variable. :(
void Male::setName(const char * s) {
name = s;
std::cout << name << std::endl;
You need to set s
to the member variable name
instead of creating a local variable in the method