In my Angular5 app, I have an E2E test suite running on protractor that includes logging in to a google account. Recently, after the password has been entered, Chrome is being redirected to
displaying a blank screen and nothing else happens. Eventually, the suite runs into a timeout.
When I enter the username and password manually (outside of the E2E environment), the browser also gets redirected to this URL for a second, but then promptly navigates to
where I get to allow or decline access to my account.
It looks like I need to fix some Chrome settings for the E2E environment, but which ones and how?
Edit: The page itself is blank, but the HTML body contains a single script tag:
<script nonce>
It is actually possible to extract the callback URL from the script, but it requires some meddling since the url string escapes special characters:
const returnScript = element(by.xpath('//body/script'));
browser.wait(protractor.ExpectedConditions.presenceOf(returnScript), 10000)
.then(() => {
.then(text => {
let callbackUrl = text
.slice(1, -1);
callbackUrl = callbackUrl.replace(/\\\//g, '/');
callbackUrl = callbackUrl.replace(/\\x3d/g, '=');
callbackUrl = callbackUrl.replace(/\\x26/g, '&');
// This was necessary for some reason, I assume you need to replace .de with your country domain
callbackUrl = callbackUrl.replace(/.com/, '.de');
Edit: When I launched the same suite yesterday, the problem was simply gone. The above code was not necessary.