i've a problem with wp_mail() function. It sends me messages correctly but after calling it is sending me multiple messages with the same data, how should I call it properly or kill process to send it only once ?
Here is how i call wp_mail()
// confirms reservation - doesn't matter for wp_mail()
// it gets all updated data about current reservation
$info = $CLASS->GetReservationInfo($_POST['operation_number'])[0];
// it prepares me array with parameters: to, subject, msg
$msgHTML = $CLASS->PrepareOrderHTMLmsg($info);
// adding headers to array
$msgHTML['headers'] = array('Content-Type: text/html; charset=UTF-8','From: '.get_bloginfo('name').' <'.get_bloginfo('admin_email').'>');
// send e-mail
wp_mail($msgHTML['send_to'], $msgHTML['subject'], $msgHTML['msg'] , $msgHTML['headers']);
From some other page I just send data colected by FORM through simple POST to payments API , and as a respond i get also some POST data for defined url which calls functions from below
function DC_Shortcode(){
isset($_POST) ? DotpayCallback() : '';
return ob_get_clean();
add_shortcode('DCallback', 'DC_Shortcode');
function DotpayCallback() {
$CLASS= new CLASS();
$dotpaySettings = $BOANERGES->getDotpaySettings();
$PIN = $dotpaySettings[0]['pin_setting'];
$verify = 1; //verify data and save, requires valid PIN (above)
if($_SERVER['REQUEST_METHOD'] != 'POST') //URLC always uses POST
die($_SERVER['REQUEST_METHOD']." is incorrect request method");
if($_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'] != '') //Dotpay IP for URLC is always
die("Unexpected IP: ".$_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']);
if(strlen($_POST['signature']) != '64') //signature always has 64 characters
die("Invalid POST content");
$signature = hash('sha256', $sign);
if($signature != $_POST['signature']) //compare POST signature with calculated one
die("Signature mismatch! Expected: ".$signature." Received: ".$_POST['signature']);
if($_POST['operation_status'] == 'completed') {
$data = array(
'id' => $_POST['operation_number'],
'control' => $_POST['control'],
'cs' => 1
// confirms reservation
// it gets all updated data about current reservation
$info = $CLASS->GetReservationInfo($_POST['operation_number'])[0];
// it prepares me array with parameters to, subject, msg
$msgHTML = $CLASS->PrepareOrderHTMLmsg($info);
// adding headers to array
$headers = array('Content-Type: text/html; charset=UTF-8','From: '.get_bloginfo('name').' <'.get_bloginfo('admin_email').'>');
// send e-mail
wp_mail($msgHTML['send_to'], $msgHTML['subject'], $msgHTML['msg'] , $headers);
if($_POST['operation_status'] == 'rejected' || $_POST['operation_status'] == 'fail'){
$data = array(
'id' => $_POST['operation_number'],
'control' => $_POST['control'],
'cs' => 2