I have to copy lots of files (around 2000 file and each file size around 5MB) from remote servers on a local box so I usually run below command on my local box terminal to copy files:
scp goldy@machineA:/process/snap/20180418/* /data/files/
Is there any way to copy those files in parallel from remote servers using gnu-parallel or anything else? I mean something like copy 5 files in parallel instead of doing everything one by one.
Note: below is my file names on remote servers.
ssh goldy@machineA 'ls -1 /process/snap/20180418/*' \
| parallel -j5 'scp goldy@machineA:{} /data/files/{}'
ssh goldy@machineA 'ls -1 /process/snap/20180418/*'
- get filename list from the remote machine beforehandparallel -j5 ...
- run up to 5 jobs in parralel