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Custom LogEventLevel with Serilog

I'm using Serilog and Seq with a .Net project. My main objective is to log some specific events. I would like to have my own log event level (like "Warning", "Verbose", "Information"...). But I don't really know if it's possible or not to have my custom log level for having this:

private static readonly ILogger Logger = Log.ForContext<MyController>();

Is it possible?


  • Although custom levels are not possible, imagining you want to create (logically) and Important level you can achieve close to the same thing with:

    static class LoggerExtensions
      public static void Important(
        this ILogger logger,
        string messageTemplate,
        params object[] args)
        logger.ForContext("IsImportant", true)
          .Information(messageTemplate, args);


    Logger.Important("Hello, {Name}!", "World");

    In Seq:

    IsImportant = true


    select count(*) from stream where IsImportant limit 10