I want to use exec-maven-plugin to get git 'revision', so I'm using following configuration:
but I hit a problem - how do I assign output to any variable available in other plugins/livecycles?
(I was able to get it done using gmaven-plugin and executing groovy script, but I find it a bit of overkill/less elegant)
EDIT: for reference, working solution in groovy:
<script>git rev-list master --count</script>
def command = project.properties.script
def process = command.execute()
def describe = process.in.text.trim()
println "setting revision to: " + describe
Just for clarity, here's the solution using groovy:
<script>git rev-list master --count</script>
def command = project.properties.script
def process = command.execute()
def describe = process.in.text.trim()
println "setting revision to: " + describe