I am trying to draw a path between 2 lines like the following one.
I used the following code to do that
Pen usedpen= new Pen(Color.Black, 2);
//Point[] p = {
// new Point(518,10),
// new Point(518,20),
// new Point(518-85,15)
GraphicsPath path = new GraphicsPath();
path.AddLine(new Point(518, 10), new Point(433, 10));
path.AddLine(new Point(518, 40), new Point(433, 40));
path.AddLine(new Point(433,10), new Point(433,40));
//usedpen.LineJoin = LineJoin.Round;
e.Graphics.DrawPath(usedpen, path);
But after use this code the following graphic is drawn:
Any help
Thanks in advance
Oh you're using the onPaint event, so the problem is You're drawing a path which means the Point will go from end of the first line to the starting of the next line.
After the first line
path.AddLine(new Point(518, 10), new Point(433, 10));
Now the Point is at (433, 10)
Now the next line Says go from (518, 40) to (433, 40)
now what's actually happening is there's a line being drawn from (433, 10) to (518, 40) because it's a path it continue drawing.
GraphicsPath path = new GraphicsPath();
path.AddLine(new Point(518, 10), new Point(433, 10));
path.AddLine(new Point(433, 10), new Point(433, 40));
path.AddLine(new Point(433, 40), new Point(518, 40));
usedpen.LineJoin = LineJoin.Round;