My data are grouped by mpg, and I want to update values in hp based on the prior hp value, but I don't want the first case, which lacks a prior value, to become NA. I'd like the first case to retain its value.
ds <- structure(list(mpg = c(10.4, 10.4, 15.2, 15.2, 19.2, 19.2, 21,
21), hp = c(205, 215, 180, 150, 123, 175, 110, 110)), class = c("tbl_df",
"tbl", "data.frame"), row.names = c(NA, -8L), .Names = c("mpg",
ds %>%
group_by(mpg) %>%
mutate(hp = lag(hp))
Failed soln: The default argument cannot be set to a variable value.
ds %>%
group_by(mpg) %>%
mutate(hp = lag(hp, default = hp))
You need to subset the vector used as default- assuming lag of 1, use head(..., 1)
ds %>%
group_by(mpg) %>%
mutate(hp = lag(hp, default = head(hp, 1)))