Hello friends i want to integrate deep link in my react native project with Android so below is my code
source={{ uri: this.state.authURL }}
renderError={(error) => alert(error)}
startInLoadingState = {false}
javaScriptEnabled = {true}
domStorageEnabled = {true}
onNavigationStateChange = {this._onShouldStartLoadWithRequest}/>
console.log("URL "+e.url);
When i click other link inside my webview i am not getting clicked link url in e.url which i log any idea how can i solve this issue?
Based on your comment I understand that you want to have a WebView in your react native app and inside there to load url with some links that open custom urls and that will trigger other actions inside the same app.
I don't know if there is an easy way to open a deep link from inside a WebView but you could try a different approach. You can use the onMessage method of the WebView and the window.postMessage to send messages from the webpage to your app like shown in this expo snack
Note the onMessage method. There you can insert your app's logic based on the message you get from the web view
onMessage={event => {
alert('MESSAGE >>>>' + event.nativeEvent.data);