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pipe out the contents directed to /dev/hpib

I have a hpib device connected to my system under /dev/hpib.

  1. Is it possible to redirect the GPIB commands which are sent to this device?
  2. Are there any methods where I can sniff out what low level GPIB commands and response that are passed to the device /dev/hpib and recevied from the device?

Thanks in advance. lakshmesha


  • Hello :) i don't have any hpux box right now or any hpib device but i found this:

    check here, if you can build this suite it has a

    drvGpibLogData(int onOff,int link,int addr)
    onOff - (0,1) means turn logging (off,on)
    link - link
    addr - gpib addr. Addresses>=100 signifies extended addrsssing. 
    For example 901 means  primary address 9, secondary address 1.

    worst case you could strip the ioctls off that code :)
