I'm having issues combining the VBA offset function within a loop. Essentially I am trying to extract multiple sets of values from a column of data based on a search term (survey
value). I can get this to work for a single term, but I was hoping to create a macro that would extract all the values for all terms at once.
The set up of the data is a column (c6:c50) of raw data (indicators
), and then 13 columns (j6:j50, m6:m50 etc) (output
) where the extracted values should appear. columns K and L (and so on between the initial 13 columns) contain formulas based on the values of column J. the search term for each of the 13 columns is in the cell directly above the range (J5, M5 etc.).
The code below is where I have got to. The aim was to have a loop that extracts the values from column C into column J (the 'i'-based loop) and then a second loop ('j'-based loop) that offsets across the columns.
What happens when this is run is that the firstcell value in cell J6 fills, followed by the correct value in J7. Then all subsequent extracted values overwrite what was in J7. Once the loop for the first term is complete, it offsets by 3 columns, extracts the same value in J6 to M6 (presumably because the search term 'survey' is not offsetting?) but then goes back to overwriting cell J7.
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Sub indicator_charts()
Dim indicators As Range
Dim survey As String
Dim surveyrng As Range
Dim output As Range
Dim survey2 As String
Dim firstcell As Range
Set indicators = Worksheets("Indicator Summary").Range("C6:C50")
Set output = Worksheets("Indicator Summary").Range("j5:j50")
Set surveyrng = Worksheets("Indicator Summary").Range("J5")
Set firstcell = Worksheets("Indicator Summary").Range("J6")
survey = surveyrng.Value
For j = 0 To 36 Step 3
output.Offset(0, j) = output
surveyrng.Offset(0, j) = surveyrng
firstcell.Offset(0, j) = firstcell
For i = 1 To 46
If InStr(1, indicators.Cells(i, 1).Value, survey) Then
survey2 = indicators.Cells(i, 1).Value
If IsEmpty(firstcell) Then
firstcell.Value = survey2
output.End(xlDown).Offset(1, 0).Value = survey2
End If
End If
Next i
Next j
End Sub
I modified your code a bit. Should do what you want now.
Sub indicator_charts()
Dim indicators As Range
Dim survey As String
Dim surveyrng As Range
Dim output As Range
Dim survey2 As String
Dim firstcell As Range
Dim OutputVar As Variant
Dim SurveyRngVar As Variant
Dim FirstCellVar As Variant
Set indicators = Worksheets("Indicator Summary").Range("C6:C50")
Set output = Worksheets("Indicator Summary").Range("j5:j50")
Set surveyrng = Worksheets("Indicator Summary").Range("J5")
Set firstcell = Worksheets("Indicator Summary").Range("J6")
For j = 0 To 36 Step 3
Set OutputVar = output.Offset(0, j)
Set SurveyRngVar = surveyrng.Offset(0, j)
Set FirstCellVar = firstcell.Offset(0, j)
survey = SurveyRngVar.Value
For i = 1 To 46
If InStr(1, indicators(i, 1).Value, survey) Then
survey2 = indicators(i, 1).Value
If IsEmpty(FirstCellVar) Then
FirstCellVar.Value = survey2
OutputVar.End(xlDown).Offset(1, 0).Value = survey2
End If
End If
Next i
Next j
End Sub