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MS botbuilder Skype calling bot example

After installing this nodejs calling bot example bot works and after Skype user calls it plays default menu, but after that when user say one of the options nothing happens, it just play menu again after a while. Find more details here

Anyone managed to activate next step of waterfall?


  • After lot of twist and turns and some strange implications on my own code, where I used segments from example I mentioned in my question, it turns out that the problem I experienced was related with token and nbf time (defines the time before which the jwt must not be accepted) stopping my workflow. I managed to overcome the problem by using clockTolerance option in CallConnector.js file. So, instead of doing this (140 line):

    decoded = jwt.verify(token, secret);

    just add options part:

    decoded = jwt.verify(token, secret, jwtVerifyOptions);

    where jwtVerifyOptions could be specified like this:

    const jwtVerifyOptions = {
        ignoreExpiration: false,
        ignoreNotBefore: false,
        clockTolerance: 300