I have a chart and a datagridview, both of them are databound to a dictionary, for example:
freqChart.Series[0].Points.DataBindXY(symCount.Keys, symCount.Values);
And on the screenshot below you can see the difference in X-Axis label/key names. Datagridview shows it correctly, while chart flips char if it's punctuation char. What's the problem? How do I fix it?
Screenshot (Chart and DataGridView):
My comment was wrong; in fact this is a funny effect you get when you have a RightToLeft
turned on.
There are several values but this one is enough to reproduce:
freqChart.RightToLeft = RightToLeft.Yes
Either this is what you want, then you can turn it on for the DGV as well; or it isn't then simply turn it off..
freqChart.RightToLeft = RightToLeft.No
As you can see it is a Control.Property so it will work on all controls. Also to be noted: The RightToLeft property is an ambient property, so it propagates to child controls.
Why it acts so strangly I can't say, though. The docs basically talk about alignment, not punctuation. If you are interested you may want to read up on it in wikipedia