I want to send an message via the Telegram API in a <pre>
block or ```
(HTML or markdown parse mode, I have no preference).
The text is a long string with some line breaks. To make it easy to read I want to send it as code. The new lines are in the \n
format, so the Telegram API can handle that.
But in the code block I can't see the newlines. I've used other bots that can send me some lines in a code block, so I'm reasobaly sure it's possible.
Can somebody help me with this?
This is the code that I'm currently using:
$url = "https://api.telegram.org/$telegram_apikey/sendMessage?chat_id=$telegram_chatid&parse_mode=Markdown&text=```" . $message ."```";
$telegramResult = file_get_contents($url
Where message is something like this:
-------------------------------------------- \n
------------ IMPORT RESULTS ---------------- \n
-------------------------------------------- \n
Product count: 12345 \n
Created: 1234 \n
Total time: 200 \n
-------------------------------------------- \n
I got it working.
Instead of sending \n
to Telegram, you need to send %0A