Is there a function built into PHP that acts like file_exists
, but given file contents instead of the file name?
I need this because I have a site where people can upload an image. The image is stored in a file with a name determined by my program (image_0.png image_1.png image_2.png image_3.png image_4.png ...
). I do not want my site to have multiple images with the same contents. This could happen if multiple people found a picture on the internet and all of them uploaded it to my site. I would like to check if there is already a file with the contents of the uploaded file to save on storage.
This is how you can compare exactly two files with PHP:
function compareFiles($file_a, $file_b)
if (filesize($file_a) == filesize($file_b))
$fp_a = fopen($file_a, 'rb');
$fp_b = fopen($file_b, 'rb');
while (($b = fread($fp_a, 4096)) !== false)
$b_b = fread($fp_b, 4096);
if ($b !== $b_b)
return false;
return true;
return false;
If you keep the sha1 sum of each file you accept you can simply:
if ($known_sha1 == sha1_file($new_file))