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SQL Fiddle - cannot add foreign key constraint

I am having issues with building the schema for my salesorderslineitem table. Even when I try to build the schema by itself in fiddle. I get an error msg cannot add foreign key constraint... Here my tables together trying to get the new salesorderslineitem table working. Thanks everyone!

CREATE TABLE salesorders
( donut_order_id             INT(10) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT,
  customer_id                INT,
  date                       DATETIME,
  special_handling_note      TEXT,
  PRIMARY KEY (donut_order_id),
  FOREIGN KEY (customer_id) REFERENCES customers(customer_id)

INSERT INTO salesorders

VALUES( 0000001,"2018-04-22","Please include plates and napkins");

CREATE TABLE salesorderslineitem
  donut_order_id     INT(10) NOT NULL, 
  donut_id           INT(10) NOT NULL,
  qty                INT(10) NOT NULL,
  PRIMARY KEY (donut_order_id, donut_id),
  FOREIGN KEY (donut_order_id) REFERENCES salesorders(donut_order_id),
  FOREIGN KEY (donut_id) REFERENCES donuts(donut_id)

INSERT INTO salesorderslineitem

VALUES (10);

 (donut_id     INT(10) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT,
  name         VARCHAR(30),
  description  VARCHAR(50),
  unit_price   DECIMAL(8,3),
  PRIMARY KEY (donut_id)



  • I've fixed all your issues.

    Here's a working SQLFiddle.!9/5071d0

    The first issue is that haven't defined the CREATE Statement for the Customers table and are trying to add a FOREIGN KEY to this non-existent table in the CREATE TABLE salesorders statement at the following line

    FOREIGN KEY (customer_id) REFERENCES customers(customer_id)

    To fix this, I wrote the CREATE TABLE Customers section before the SalesOrders CREATE Statement.

    That's just 1 issue. You are also creating the SalesOrders table before the Donuts table and trying to add a FOREIGN KEY Constraint.

    Finally, you didn't have any record in the Donuts table, so I created a Jelly Donut for you :)

    SQLFiddle code posted below for completeness.

    CREATE TABLE customers ( 
      customer_id INT(10) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, 
      customer_name VARCHAR(100) NOT NULL,
      PRIMARY KEY (customer_id)
    CREATE TABLE donuts (
      donut_id INT(10) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, 
      name VARCHAR(30), 
      description VARCHAR(50), 
      unit_price DECIMAL(8,3), 
      PRIMARY KEY (donut_id) );
    INSERT INTO donuts (donut_id,name,description,unit_price)  
    VALUES (1,"Jelly Donut","Delicious Donut filled with Raspberry Jelly inside",1.99);
    CREATE TABLE salesorders ( 
      donut_order_id INT(10) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, 
      customer_id INT, date DATETIME, 
      special_handling_note TEXT, 
      PRIMARY KEY (donut_order_id), 
      FOREIGN KEY (customer_id) REFERENCES customers(customer_id) );
    INSERT INTO salesorders ( donut_order_id,date,special_handling_note )
    VALUES( 0000001,"2018-04-22","Please include plates and napkins" );
    CREATE TABLE salesorderslineitem ( 
      donut_order_id INT(10) NOT NULL, 
      donut_id INT(10) NOT NULL, qty INT(10) NOT NULL, 
      PRIMARY KEY (donut_order_id, donut_id),
      FOREIGN KEY (donut_order_id) 
      REFERENCES salesorders(donut_order_id), 
      FOREIGN KEY (donut_id) REFERENCES donuts(donut_id) );
    INSERT INTO salesorderslineitem (donut_order_id,donut_id, qty) VALUES (0000001,1, 12);