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Ruby on rails where clause not finding correct records

I have a rails model which is set up like this:


id : int
name : varchar
subtype : int

I recently migrated a lot of records from one database to another using mysql_dump and import. The migration seemed to have gone well, and if I query an id in the console it finds that records. There is a record like this:

id : 33
name : testpoi
subtype : 172

If I try to find it using:

Poi.where(:subtype => 172).first

it always returns nil

If I run this exact query on the system from which I migrated the database it does work.

If I run Poi.find(33) it finds it too. I've tried

Poi.where(:subtype => "172").first 

as well to make sure its not a datatype mismatch, but to no avail.

Also, if I add this object to a collection

@otherobject.poilist << Poi.find(33) #=> which has a has many with foreign key subtype

it works just fine (returns true after saving), but if I then restart the production console the association no longer exists, even though the subtype id matches the id of the containing object.


  • Thanks guys for the replies. It turned out that due to some funky migrations the subtype field was indeed a string. The real miracle here is that in some cases it DID work, because it shouldn't have. Case closed!