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Automatically closing an open balance on a new SalesOrder record in Quickbooks

I'm attempting to create a sale record in quickbooks using the nsoftware sdk. The following code creates the sale item in Quickbooks as desired except it shows an "Open Balance" and a status of "Open".

enter image description here

    var total = "999";

    var connectionString = config.ToString(); 

    var report = new nsoftware.InQB.Salesorder
        QBConnectionString = config.ToString(),
        CustomerName = "Internal Application Test", 

    var salesOrderItem = new SalesOrderItem(); 
    salesOrderItem.ItemName = "Daily Cash Sales Test";
    salesOrderItem.Amount = total;

    //salesOrderItem.ManuallyClosed = ManuallyCloseds.mcManuallyClosed;


    await report.OpenQBConnectionAsync().ConfigureAwait(false);

    bool isSuccess = true;

        await report.AddAsync().ConfigureAwait(false);   
    catch (Exception x)
        isSuccess = false;
        await report.CloseQBConnectionAsync().ConfigureAwait(false);

I've attempted to close the sale by including a call to manually closed:

salesOrderItem.ManuallyClosed = ManuallyCloseds.mcManuallyClosed;

Which doesn't seem to have any affect at all.

My Question

Is there a way to zero out the open balance and close the sale programmatically?


  • As far as I can tell, you can't simply zero out the balance and close a sales order. You have to jump through a few hoops.

    In order to mark the Sales order as paid with a zero balance, you'll need to create an invoice for the customer of your Sales order. Then, you need to apply a payment (ReceivePayment) to the invoice. This will cause your sales order to be marked as paid with a zero balance.

    You can use this official Intuit resource to build the necessary queries:

    The Consolibyte website also contains a bunch of useful examples here:

    Of course, if anyone has a better solution, feel free to post it and I will reconsider the selected answer.