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Can't import lzo files in pyspark

I have a csv file compressed in lzo format and I want to import it into a pyspark dataframe. Were the file not compressed, I would simply do:

import pyspark as ps

spark = ps.sql.SparkSession.builder.master("local[2]").getOrCreate()
data =, schema=SCHEMA, sep="\t")

where the file path fp and schema SCHEMA are properly defined elsewhere. When the file is compressed with lzo, however, this returns a dataframe filled with null values.

I have installed lzop on my machine and can decompress the file from the terminal then import it using pyspark. However, that's not a feasible solution due to hard disk space and time constraints (I have tons of lzo files).


  • It took me a long time but I found a solution. I took inspiration from this answer and tried to reproduce by hand what Maven does with Java.

    These are the steps to follow:

    1. Find the pyspark home folder: one way of doing it on Ubuntu is to run from terminal the command locate pyspark/; if it fails, make sure you installed pyspark and run the command sudo updatedb before trying again to use locate. (Make sure you select the correct installation of pyspark: you might have more than one, especially if you use virtual environments.)
    2. Download the hadoop-lzo jar from this maven repository and place it inside the $pyspark_home/jars folder.
    3. Create the folder $pyspark_home/conf.
    4. Inside this folder, create a core-site.xml file containing the following text:


    Now the code in the question should work properly.