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Increment Numeric Value to just above criterion value and stop incrementing below the value in SAS using do until loop

I have just started using macros and arrays in SAS and am a beginner user of SAS. I need your guidance and advice on the most effective way to increment score values which are less than 65. I have a dataset of 10 observations on their student IDs and their test scores. I have the following code to increment the test scores values which are less than 65. Is there another way I can increment test score values which are less than 65 to just above 65 so that it stops if the value is 65 or greater.

data scores;
set scores;
array Test{i} Test_1-Test_5;
Test{i} = 1;
do i=1 to 5;
do until(Test{i}>65);
   Test{i} = Test{i}+0.1;

I am getting an error with this code:

Mixing of implicit and explicit array subscripting not allowed
There was 1 unclosed DO unblock

Please let me know if there is anything wrong in this code. Thank you for your time.


  • A few problems that have been corrected with the below code:

    1. Your declared array uses the variable i as the dimension. i is not assigned a value until the outer do loop. Use the wildcard * instead. This will tell SAS to automatically generate the dimension depending on the number of variables specified in the array.

    2. Test[i] is given a value, but i has not yet been assigned. Place test[i] within your outer do loop

    3. You are missing an end statement for the outer do loop.


    data test;
        array Test[*] Test_1-Test_5;
        do i=1 to 5;
            Test[i] = 1;
            do until(Test[i]>65);
                Test[i] = Test[i]+0.1;