I tried to implement some wildcard class that compares equal to any string, but false to anything else. However, the !=
operator does not appear to call my __neq__
member as expected:
class A(str):
def __cmp__(self, o):
return 0 if isinstance(o, str) else -1
def __eq__(self, o):
return self.__cmp__(o) == 0
def __neq__(self, o):
return self.__cmp__(o) != 0
a = A()
b = 'a'
print(a == b) # Prints True, as expected
print(a != b) # Prints True, should print False
What am I doing wrong?
For overriding the !=
you need to define __ne__
but you defined __neq__
So you have to change
def __neq__(self, o):
def __ne__(self, o):