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Unable to use then on ios swift promisekit

I created a promise which gets some data from API and returns it. Now what i am stuck is after getting the json data i need to store them on device storage (realm). After calling the promise when i try with then i get some error stating Cannot convert value of type '(Any) -> Void' to expected argument type '(_) -> _' . But when i try with done it works perfectly. But i need to use then to save the data on realm.

Following approch works fine

Translator().translators().done { data -> Void in
            }.catch { error in

But following two approach fails

Translator().translators().then() { data -> Void in
            }.catch() {
                (e: Error) in

Above gives an error that says

Cannot convert value of type '(Any) -> Void' to expected argument type '(_) -> _'

and following approach gives another similar error

Translator().translators().then() {
            (data: [Translator]) -> Void in
            }.catch() {
                (e: Error) in

error message:

Cannot convert value of type '([Translator]) -> Void' to expected argument type '([Translator]) -> _'

Promise i created:

func translators() -> Promise<[Translator]> {
        return firstly {
            Alamofire.request("", method: .get).responseData()
            }.map {
                try JSONDecoder().decode([Translator].self, from: $

Image of my code and error enter image description here


  • You have to return a promise when you do .then because until .done you are not finished. I don't see any issue in saving realm data in .done as your method has no return type.

    Incase you still want to use .then, it can be done this way.

    Translator().translators().then({ data -> Promise<[Translator]> in
                return Promise.value(data)
                }).done({ data in
                // Save to realm
               }).catch({ error in