Inside figure(1), I have a plot with label axis, title, legend etc and under this plot, still inside figure(1), I want to add a space where I can display few lines that right now I'm showing inside the command windows.
Like this:
How to do this?
How about exploiting subplot
subplot(10,1,1:7); %Taking most of the figure space for actual plot
plot(randperm(100),'d-'); %A random plot
xlabel('xlabel'); ylabel('ylabel'); %Axis Labels
legend show; %Legend display
subplot(10,1,10); %And just one part for the text/messages
xlim([1 10]); %For aesthetics
str = {'Comment-1','Comment-2'}; %Text that we want to display
text(1,1,str); %Putting the text
axis off; %Turning off the axis