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Hiding DialogSheets [VBA]

I have problem with hide my custom dialog frame. After pressing buttons (they have calls to other macros), I still have my dialog frame, how to hide it? I am working in "Dane_Makro" sheet. My previous version worked fine (i did not add 2 additional buttons, but i edited vbYesNo buttons - the scheme was very similar) Regards

Source of dialogsheets

'Public btnDlg As DialogSheet

Sub CallBots()

Dim btnDlg As DialogSheet
Dim ButtonDialog As String
ButtonDialog = "CustomButtons"
Dim klik As Boolean
klik = True

Dim oSHL As Object: Set oSHL = CreateObject("WScript.Shell")

Application.ScreenUpdating = False
Application.EnableEvents = False

On Error Resume Next
Application.DisplayAlerts = False
Application.DisplayAlerts = True

Set btnDlg = ActiveWorkbook.DialogSheets.Add

With btnDlg
    .Name = ButtonDialog
    .Visible = xlSheetHidden

    With .DialogFrame
        .Height = 70
        .Width = 300
        .Caption = "Generowanie plików do BOTÓW"
    End With

    .Buttons("Button 2").Visible = False
    .Buttons("Button 3").Visible = False
    .Labels.Add 100, 50, 100, 100
    .Labels(1).Caption = "Jak utowrzyć pliki wsadowe do botów?"

    .Buttons.Add 220, 44, 130, 18 'Custom Button #1,index #3
    With .Buttons(3)
        .Caption = "Nowe pliki wsadowe"
        .OnAction = "MakeBotsNew"
    End With

    .Buttons.Add 220, 64, 130, 18 'Custom Button #2,index #4
    With .Buttons(4)
        .Caption = "Konsolidacja plików wsadowych"
        .OnAction = "MakeBotsConso"
   End With

    If .Show = False Then
        oSHL.PopUP "Anulowanie procesu", 1, "Tworzenie plików", vbInformation
        klik = False
    End If

End With

    Application.ScreenUpdating = False
    Application.DisplayAlerts = False
    'On Error Resume Next
    Application.DisplayAlerts = True
    Application.ScreenUpdating = True

    btnDlg.Visible = xlSheetVeryHidden

    'Application.ScreenUpdating = True
    Application.EnableEvents = True

End Sub


  • Answer Updated:

    You're going to need to add an (optional?) argument to your MakeBotsNew and MakeBotsConso macros, like so:

    Sub MakeBotsNew(Optional Name As String = "")
        'Existing Code here
        'After existing code:
        If Len(Name) > 0 Then ThisWorkbook.DialogSheets(Name).Hide 'Hide dialog box
    End Sub

    Then, you need to add the ButtonDialog name as an argument to the .OnAction, which also means wrapping it it single-quotes:

    .OnAction = "'MakeBotsNew """ & ButtonDialog & """'"

    (I still don't understand A) why you are creating your Dialog in code instead of doing it beforehand and B) why you are using a DialogSheet instead of a UserForm)

    Old Answer:

    As a DialogSheet is a Sheet, you need to set the .Visible property to xlSheetHidden or xlSheetVeryHidden

    Using .Hide is for UserForms, which replaced DialogSheets back in... 2000?