I am experimenting with the default MoodBot example of Rasa Core framework. I have developed a simple Angular 5 app to serve as a front-end for the conversation flow. The Rasa HTTP API is run on a Linux-based back-end server at port 5005 (let's call it http://my.very.own.server:5005/) using the following command:
python3 -m rasa_core.server -d models/dialogue -u models/nlu/default/current -o out.log
I can communicate with the server using Postman application and get a valid response. But when I try the same from my Angular app, it returns a 404 (Not found)
Using postman (working):
POST: my.very.own.server:5005/conversations/default/parse
Body of the request: {"query":"hi"}
Headers: Content-Type: application/json
Response: Success (200) - Valid JSON content received
Using Angular app (not working):
public getResponse(query: string) {
let finalUrl: string = "http://my.very.own.server/" + "conversations/default/parse/";
let data = {
'query' : query
return this.http.post(
`${finalUrl}`, data
).map(res => {
return res.json()
// Call the method using:
getResponse("hi").subscribe(res => {
This results in a console error:
Failed to load http://my.very.own.server:5005/conversations/default/parse/:
No 'Access-Control-Allow-Origin' header is present on the requested resource.
Origin 'http://localhost:4200' is therefore not allowed access.
The response had HTTP status code 404.
What I have tried:
parameter (as seen here):python3 -m rasa_core.server -d models/dialogue -u models/nlu/default/current -o out.log --cors ["*"]
"cors_origins" : ["*"]
to the nlu_model_config.json
file (as seen here).Both ways made no difference. What am I doing wrong here, and what can I do to properly enable CORS support from the Rasa HTTP API?
We recently fixed this, so you'll need this PR . For now you'll have to clone master, but we're releasing a new version 0.9 soon so it'll be available on pypi as well.