I'm trying to put an auto login in custom ssh://
protocol handler registered in the Windows registry.
As soon as PuTTY interface gets open I want to log in automatically.
Is there a way to set in the code below the username and password? This code below will just open PuTTY, but I have to put by myself the username and password in the PuTTY interface.
Any ideas how to do it or may there is another or better way?
Thx for your support.
Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00
@="URL:ssh Protocol"
"URL Protocol"="ssh://"
@="cmd /V:ON /c set params=%1 && set params=!params:ssh://=! && start \"PuTTY\" \"c:\\Program Files (x86)\\PuTTY\\putty.exe\" \"!params:/=!\""
switch to provide a username;-pw
switch to provide a password.[HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\ssh\shell\open\command]
@="cmd /V:ON /c set params=%1 && set params=!params:ssh://=! && start \"PuTTY\" \"c:\\Program Files (x86)\\PuTTY\\putty.exe\" \"!params:/=!\" -l username -pw password"