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How to access a C pointer array from Golang

I'm writing an app for the windows platform using FFmpeg and it's golang wrapper goav, but I'm having trouble understanding how to use the C pointers to gain access to an array.

I'm trying to get the streams stored in the AVFormatContext class to use in go, and eventually add frames to a texture in OpenGl to make a video player with cool transitions.

I think understanding how to cast and access the C data will make coding this a lot easier.

I've stripped out all the relevant parts of the C code, the wrapper and my code, shown below:

C code - libavformat/avformat.h

typedef struct AVFormatContext { 
    unsigned int nb_streams; 
    AVStream **streams; 

Golang goav wrapper

package avutil

//#cgo pkg-config: libavformat
//#include <libavformat/avformat.h>
import "C"
import (

type Context C.struct_AVFormatContext; 

func (ctxt *Context) StreamsGet(i uintptr) *Stream {
    streams := (**Stream)(unsafe.Pointer(ctxt.streams));
    // I think this is where it's going wrong, I'm brand new to this stuff 
    return (*Stream)(unsafe.Pointer(uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(streams)) + i*unsafe.Sizeof(*streams)));

My Golang code

package main

import ""

func main() {
    ctx := &avformat.Context{} // the actual function to initiate this does an mallocz for the streams

    stream := ctx.StreamsGet(0)

    //do stuff with stream...

In C it looks like I just have to do just streams[i], but that wont work in go, so I added a function to the wrapper using the technique from my question here. However I'm not getting the data; It looks like I'm getting a pointer to somewhere random in memory. So, how can I access these elements form golang? Any resources would be helpful too; I'm going to be investing a fair bit of time into this.


  • As you noticed, the problem is in the following code:

    func (ctxt *Context) StreamsGet(i uintptr) *Stream {
        streams := (**Stream)(unsafe.Pointer(ctxt.streams));
        // I think this is where it's going wrong, I'm brand new to this stuff 
        return (*Stream)(unsafe.Pointer(uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(streams)) + i*unsafe.Sizeof(*streams)));

    In the code, variable streams is double pointer, thus the result of adding offset to streams is also a double pointer (i.e. the type is **Stream). But, in your snippets, it is casted to *Stream which is incorrect. The correct code is:

    func (ctxt *Context) StreamsGet(i uintptr) *Stream {
        streams := (**Stream)(unsafe.Pointer(ctxt.streams))
        // Add offset i then cast it to **Stream
        ptrPtr := (**Stream)(unsafe.Pointer(uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(streams)) + i*unsafe.Sizeof(*streams)))
        return *ptrPtr

    Additional note:
    If you would like to avoid pointer arithmetic in Go side, you can define a helper function for accessing the element of the pointer (i.e. streams) in C side as follows:

    void * ptr_at(void **ptr, int idx) {
        return ptr[idx];
    struct AVStream * stream_at(struct AVFormatContext *c, int idx) {
        if (i >= 0 && i < c->nb_streams)
            return c->streams[idx];
        return NULL;
    import "C"
    import (
    type Context C.struct_AVFormatContext
    type Stream C.struct_AVStream
    func (ctx *Context) StreamAt(i int) *Stream {
        p := (*unsafe.Pointer)(unsafe.Pointer(ctx.streams))
        ret := C.ptr_at(p,
        return (*Stream)(ret)
    func (ctx *Context) StreamAt2(i int) *Stream {
        ret := C.stream_at((*C.struct_AVFormatContext)(ctx),
        return (*Stream)(ret)

    You may choose either ptr_at function which accepts generic (any) double pointer as its argument, or more specific stream_at function which only accepts pointer to AVFormatContext as its argument. The former approach can be used to access element from any double pointer such as: AVProgram **, AVChapter **, etc. The later approach is preferable if we need to implement additional processing such as boundary checking.